Data & Analytics

Your world is changing

  • 13 Nov 2020

Your world is changing.

No matter what size, niche, business model or vertical; your customers have access to more information than you could possibly imagine.

Relying on gut feel in your business is a huge strategic risk. Your customers will find you out & vote with their feet. Whether that’s in 3 months or 3 years.

Data informed decision making is the most effective way to lead your business into the future. We would argue, the only way.

Even for an SME business; doing nothing is not an option.

Now, you’ve likely heard the horror stories of data. How expensive it is, the hype of AI, you need to be a huge to leverage data etc. & rightly so.

If done poorly with the wrong methodology, the wrong suppliers, with the wrong strategy for your business; it will cost you dearly.

There is so much noise. It is so easy to be led astray.

However, this overwhelm often leads to limiting thinking & indecision.

But it doesn’t need to be this way.

Over the last 30 years of working on data programmes, we’ve seen what goes wrong & what works; & created an offering targeted specifically at SME businesses like you to create better business outcomes from data.

That experience has informed our philosophy. Our philosophy is this:

1) The only way to long term value from your data is for you to do it yourself. Our role is to help you stand on your own two feet by raising skills, knowledge & capabilities internally so you no longer need us.

2) Commercial value is the only metric that matters
. Data for data’s sake is not an option. Better business decisions using data that impacts top line revenue or bottom-line profit is all we’re interested in.

3) ROI matters & it matters quickly.
Ideas must be killed if they aren’t proving valuable. Product / MVP / Agile methodologies must be used to keep resources focused & costs down.

4) Creating value from your data is not a technology buying exercise
, it is a cultural change programme to being data informed in decision making throughout the business. Changing the culture is the most difficult task; & where the priority needs to be.

5) To succeed, data must be the priority of the CEO.
To change the culture, it starts at the top. Without the driving force of the C suite your data investment will be a cost centre & will eventually fail. This is guaranteed.


This is what we believe. This is what works. These are the drivers behind everything we do.

We only work with customers who believe what we believe. These principles are non-negotiable.

What does this this philosophy looks like in practice? How do we help our clients?

Our top line objective is to raise the skills, knowledge & capabilities within the organisation; so you can stand on your own two feet & deliver value from data; which is sustainable long term for your size business.

We leave our clients with an efficient data estate that is producing valuable insights & products that is impacting top revenue or bottom-line profits through data informed decision making. Our goal is to do this asap.

We do this through our unique combination of services:

Consulting, mentoring, training & team growth.

– We start at the top. We consult with the C suite to understand their business & objectives, then work backwards from there. We work with them to create a list of priorities of how data could create value to the business & give them a realistic picture of what it will take; both time & resources to realise those opportunities.

Team Growth
– Through our network & partnerships we have access to one of the deepest networks across the data industry. We deliver short term tactical expert consultants to get your programme off the ground; & the permanent technical members of staff to take over & build on what we’ve started. These skills are delivered cost effectively compared to our competitors.

– Raising the internal standard & passing on our knowledge is our guiding principle. We provide our CDO mentors to your board & data staff in a flexible hourly based mentoring programme to keep you on track & upskill your current data resources.


Training – In conjunction with our mentoring; our CDO mentors provide nice leadership training workshops. These are focused on specific leadership skills to enable your data leaders continue to evolve your data culture long after we’ve gone.


Our combination of services fills the gaps. We focus on commercial drivers, lifting your capabilities; following an Agile / product led approach to give you flexibility & peace of mind.

We will tell you how it is; not what you want to hear. We believe you can handle it.

We will do what’s best for your business. Not ours.

We increase your capabilities, not create dependencies.

Start small. Think big.

We’ll be with you all the way.



Get in touch

To find out how we can help you achieve ROI and gain competitive advantage from your data, contact Ammonite.

  • Data & Analytics